{Photo Courtesy of Lynne Shore Photography, all rights reserved}
Lynne Shore was kind enough to send us this great photo and here is what she said “This nearly is a Little Black Dress – the fall was in a slurry, so he stank as well. I think he – John Shaw, MFH of The Cheshire Hunt – is hoping the Lucozade will give him and his horse – Freddie – wings!!”
This photo got us thinking about the tumbles we take out Hunting. (I know all about it, as I sit here in my back brace). We would like to know, does your Hunt have a “Tumbler’s Club”? What kind of fines are levied? Do you owe everyone around you booze, or is there a Tumbler’s fund that you spend at the end of the season? We’re just curious; does your Hunt have one?

We call it the “Fallen Angels Club,” but everyone who comes off owes a bottle of champagne per fall, which is payable at the big Closing Meet tailgate breakfast. It makes for a very lively gathering!
At our hunt, if your feet hit the ground without your field master’s permission, you buy drinks for everyone at the hunt that day. It doesn’t matter if your horse fell, you leaped off to aid another or were hauled off to the ER. We keep a running tally and at the end of the year, the most falls earns you the prized trophy named after a master who truely enjoyed his free drinks Rumor has it he was even known to help an unbalanced rider off but I never saw it. He did appear instantly when I dismounted my first year to address saddle pad issues. He was visibly disappointed that I had permission.
We have a 25.oo fine which goes to feed the hounds.
Ours is known as the “Cropper Club” – and those who cropper pay a $10.00 fine and get a t-shirt.
The Belvoir Hounds levy £10 per fall which costs some a small fortune. The Cottesmore are a little cheaper at £5 per fall but seem to have more fallers.