Since we are always busy yacking about proper turnout, we thought we would take a moment to talk tack. This is a picture of me going out sideways with my snood wearing wing girl. Everything is flat and workman like. No frills, no fuss, just traditional tack. At the end of the day, if your horse needs something else to make your ride safe, then go with that. We’re just here to tell you what is traditional and correct; what you do with that info is up to you.
Here’s a list of what you need:
- Black or brown saddle with leather girth.
- Shaped Numnahs should be black, brown or white, no square dressage stuff.
- Plain stirrups.
- Plain flat breastplate.
- Plain flat hunting bridle and leather reins.
Happy Hunting!

Shaped numnahs may also be brown, in addition to black or white (or natural sheepskin). If black or brown, they should match the color of your tack (i.e., a black numnah should not be used with a brown saddle). They should also fit neatly around your saddle.