One of my most prized possessions is my 1920’sish Owen side saddle. I bought if from a dear friend about six years ago and have always thought about what was going on under the “hood” so to speak. Lucky for me I met the owner of Black Diamond Designs at the first Side Saddle race at the Cheshire Point-to-Point in March of 2016, Just so happens that she is one of the best Side Saddle restorers in the Country. Before we met in person, I had the pleasure of interviewing Amy before the first race in that series.
Amy aboard her lovely mare Little Lady, that’s also her taking that timber jump with the astride Jockeys.
Here is the original interview with Amy-
So, Amy, inquiring minds want to know…….

Amy Magee aboard her lovely mare Little Lady at the 2016 Pennsylvania Hunt Cup. I had just awarded Amy the Chasing a Fox pillow for best Turned out prize.
Now that you all know Amy, here is a peek inside what she did to my Owen to get her back to pristine condition. I’m so glad she sent me all these pictures and commentary as she was reconditioning her. As you are reading these descriptions, it is Amy writing them.

New billets, new breastplate D as well as a panel D for the air vest. Near side open and will begin getting that all done as well

That was fascinating! Thank you!