Well, we know what we are supposed to carry in our Hunting Canteen, but let’s be honest, we don’t need a crustless sandwich wrapped in parchment paper.
If you were to look in my sandwich case on a typical hunting day, you would find all kinds of stuff. I’m kinda like a traveling pharmacy; the most important things I carry in there are my inhaler, my EpiPen, and some Benadryl. I know, It sounds like I’m a “hot mess”, but breathing in all circumstances is paramount. Who knows maybe my supplies will come in handy to help someone else too. Just as important are the snacks I carry. Some days it’s M & M’s or a half-eaten granola bar. It all depends on how organized I am, and what time the hunt starts. Now with all that stuffed in my sandwich case, you might wonder where I keep my flask (which is full of Brinley’s Shipwreck Coffee Rum). Well, if I’m lucky I have a pocket big enough to hold it. If not, I know my hunting crew will be packing and keep me happily imbibed.
So we’re curious, what’s in your case?

Capri Sun, mobile phone, wine gums!
OK, you have our attention. What are wine gums?
Wine gums?
Bailey’s Irish Cream in hunt flask, tissues and Virginia hunting license in plastic sandwich bag. Also in plastic bag, name, address, emergency telephone number and copy of health insurance card – hopefully never to be used.
Yes! What is “wine gum”?!