Introducing THOMAS PINK, one of my favorite tailors, and my new horse!
So it’s official. I have a new horse, and I have to be honest, I’m in uncharted waters. (Not because I have a horse, cause I’ve always had one of those.) I am 48 years old and until about a month ago, I have never, ever, ever even sat on a gray horse never mind been responsible for keeping one clean. I need everyone’s help. I need your tips and tricks on keeping one tidy…….I really have no clue. Imagine, how could I be so naive?
Every morning I get to the barn, and there he is standing there in all his stained glory! I add more shavings to his stall, but it doesn’t matter he is still a mess. I don’t even want to think about Hunt season. It was hard enough getting to the meet on time having a chestnut or bay horse; I may have to sleep at the barn!
It feels great to be back in the saddle on such a sweet horse! Hopefully, you all can help me figure out how to keep this guy clean. Let me in on your gray horse hacks; #thestruggleisreal

Congratulations Sissie..Thomas Pink adds color to the neighborhood, and how perfect he helps you get back in the saddle. I have some experience with colored Appaloosa horses, so know what you are asking. I have 3 suggestions: 1. Hunter, 2. Henderson, 3. how about a nice shade of Clairol brunette?
Bathe with Quick Silver
Blanket with sheet
Cowboy Magic green stain remover for touch up in am
Have had many grays. They are all same as to being a MESS
I will second quicksilver and covering him with a light sheet. Also, be glad you don’t live in central Virginia. We have great hunting, but the red clay soil turns gray horses kind of pinkish. Congratulations on your new horse!
Dye green all over. Will never notice the manure stains again!
Cowboy Magic is your new friend. I had a scrim sheet that my gray used to sleep in. Protected the body but not head or hocks. My gray horse would be sh*tfaced (literally) every morning. Also quicksilver or old gray haired lady shampoo helps get that bright white! Good luck!
*cracks knuckles*
The main thing is to stay on top of the stains–don’t let them sit for days and then try to get them out. Every time you groom, bust stains. 🙂 Body clipping helps, too.
I have not had luck with Cowboy Magic (except the yellow out shampoo for the tail), but I love this for every day grooming: and this is my go-to on hunt mornings:
For really bad stains, I mix baking soda, peroixide, and quicksilver into a thickish paste and scrub it in and let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse and repeat as necessary.
I also have a very lightweight sheet (made by Centaur, I think) that is nylon, so it repels stains when they lay down instead of soaking up the liquid of poop and urine. I use that on nights before hunting. Cotton sheets will just absorb the gook and give them the chance to grind it in. 🙂
Quick Silver and sheets of any sort (with neck, if possible) is great. Also, pick the stall as late as possible the night before a hunting/show morning. Greys are so beautiful when they are kept up, but they take a lot of keeping up!
All the Best! DEV
I have a pinto that has way more white then any horse should be allowed to have. I use Orvus (used by people who show dairy cattle). Coyboy magic for sure and makeup remove toilettes for face cleaning! Good luck
Poor you!
The day before the hunt, or on hunt morning, wash with dark blue or purple shampoo, Cowboy Magic’s great. Let it sit on the horse for a couple minutes, it really makes a big difference. You cannot wash the tail with it or it will turn blue or purple, so you have to use another kind of regular shampoo + conditioner. Keep the mane as short as possible or roach it (so much easier), same with the tail, I chopped it above the hocks, like in a vintage painting, worked good. If you don’t like this option, braid it, then wrap it once its DRIED. I did the mistake to wrap it while still wet and the horse developed a fungus…
Then comes the jamies part: Put on full hood to protect head and neck (make sure the braids or the mane is flat under), then a sheet, then the blanket. Wrap the tail, put shipping boots on.
On the morning, unwrap the “package”, get ready to find stains where it is impossible to be, but gray horses are so good at it!
Now I have a dark bay mare, I LOVE her!
Good luck, hope you have tons of time and patience.
Claire, SYVH huntsman.
I know your pain! Clip! Blue Shampoo, hoods, boots, cover whatever you can! I get some stains that will not come out so I use supreme coat whitener – like a chalk, add water & mix to a paste & cover stain – even lasts through the mud on a hunting field! Good luck!
You should live with a bottle of alcohol mixed with water available at all times. It is dreamy for getting the stains out without leaving a weird water mark. I use it on my grey horse for “A” shows all the time. Mine wears a fly sheet for turnout. It isn’t a terrible idea to spray them down with showsheen after a bath to make it easier to get stains out, but I’d only do that for special occasions.
Welcome to the not-so-wonderful world of white. Ugh. I get up an extra hour when I’m hunting the grey one. I use Quick Silver too. Let is sit for a little before rinsing. Especially the tail. Alcohol on knees and hocks (nope, not bourbon. rubbing alcohol). But you will be ready for a drink by the time he’s ready! It’s a special club Sissi. I curse his grey-ness, but he’s the best horse I’ve ever had! I hope the same for you.
I have black and white frame overo pintos. I totally recommend lucky braids top turnout shampoo. It gets them amazingly clean and helps keep them that way. Stains will usually curry and brush out. It also does wonders on manes and tails guys are blessed with the hair gene and this stiff is amazing.
What a great post and Woo Hoo, you go girls. How wodrunfel that you are having a blog that included the sage one. What great dressers. I hope I can look like that, it's not to far off. Thanks for sharing. I'll keep your blog in mind and be back to visit.
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