In good conscience, we could not go another day without addressing the snood. A dear friend of ours, we won’t mention any names (Cami) continues to wear her snood. (She’s also rocking the fox that she clipped on her horses neck.) Let’s keep in mind, we trailer to all the meets together, so she knows it’s not correct. Here she is pictured with her beautiful navy helmet and her matching snood. Like most things in fox hunting attire, more is not always better. Your hair, like everything else, should be very workman like.
In this blog post, we will show you a simple and correct way to wear your hair for a day of hunting. All you need are a couple of bobby pins and a hair net.
1. Secure a low ponytail.
2. Braid your ponytail.
3. Wrap the braid around itself and secure with bobby pins. Then wrap a small hairnet around the bun and secure with a bobby pin.
4. One more final spray with the hairspray and your bun will stay neat and tidy for the meet.
So if you’re like our friend who laughs as she puts her snood on. Just know, we would rather see you with your snood, than not see you out at all!

My only concern with this is that bobby pins can be jammed into the scalp if someone should have a fall. A safer method would be braid the hair, then make the braid into a knot. I have waist/hip long hair and when I use my Charles Owen Hampton, that is how I put my hair—braid, knot, then hairnet. I sometimes add a discrete hair tie that matches my hair net color so that the hair is secure. To me, it’s just better to be safe and have no sharp objects that are into the head.
The real women ride no knot hairnet was life changing for me lol! my hair is really slick and bobby pins WILL NOT stay in but with the RWR hairnet no pins needed 🙂