We call it a casual Hunt Tea, you may call it something else. What we refer to as a casual Hunt Tea is a gathering right after the hunt. Our horses are quietly munching hay on the trailers as we meet for a cocktail and some light fair.
Not everyone knows what to wear to these. In a perfect world, you would get off your horse, put on your Irish lad’s cap (to hide what I would describe as wild helmet hair) and your tweed jacket. That is if you remembered to put it all in the truck before the hunt. As you can see by this picture, it wasn’t the most organized morning before the meet. My friend Walter is the only one that got it right. He is sporting his lovely tweed jacket and Irish lad’s cap. Cami was too hot to put her tweed on, and Nicholas left all his stuff at home. That is the most shocking part of this picture, Nicholas always has it right. He’s almost as obsessed with correct attire as I am. Still, he looks dashing in his scarlet. I almost got it right; I remembered my tweed, but not the perfect cap. I grabbed this navy one out of the truck and headed up the driveway to the tea.
Just for the record, this is the only time it is correct to wear a white stock and a tweed together.
What do you call these informal gatherings after a meet and what do you wear?

LOVE your tweed!
I have heard it called Hunt Breakfast which can be right after the hunt or at times there is a cocktail party or buffet supper hosted by someone in the hunt. Sometimes we all pitch in with stuff and sometimes it is entirely hosted by some generous member.
You know I understand that it is polite to take your spurs OFF your boots prior to Hunt Tea or breakfast.