Well, it may look boring, but this beautiful Benjamin Moore Chantily Lace color is so soothing! Now on to the fun part fabrics and trims! (Don`t mind the feathers on the floor. I had just changed the sheets and fluffed the feather beds).
Now, on to picking colors. Because this is our "winter" bedroom. (We`re out on the sleeping porch all summer. ) I`m thinking cozy vibes!
#equestrianlife #equestrianhome #firstperiodhomes #newenglandliving #kingsboards
The very glamorous side of horse keeping!
Renovating the master suite. Let`s start with the Master bedroom and front upstairs hallway.
First things first, these painted floors have got to go!
#masters united
Lots of decorating going on at my house. The powder room is officially done, and I`m moving on to the master suite.
Would you like to come along on my decorating journey?
Happy Independence Day!
As we get older, we choose new ways to keep being horsey. Chasing a Fox has added a new pony to the stable.🤣
No filter.
Sorry, not sorry!
Chasing a Fox has been busy driving.
#myopiacarraigeclassic #drivinghorses #hempsteadcart #myopiadrivingclub #wirefoxterrier #dogclass
Love is growing up so fast. Getting ready for her show career.
#wirefoxterrier #robertcarusi #pofessionalhandler #billmcfadden #randomkennels #randomratcatcher #love❤️
Installed a new chair rail. Getting ready for wallpaper install.
#brunswigandfils #powderroom #winterprojects #decoratingdiva #moretocome
It`d been a long time coming! Happy New Year!
It`s time to get back to work!
#mondaymotivation #makeitagoodone☀️ #gettin$hitdone
I’m loving these features! So neat know more about these awesome ladies!