We have a few Ladies to add to the High Hope Mrs. Theodora A. Randolph Memorial Ladies Side Saddle race. We will start with another wonderful rider- Emily Dennis
Emily aboard Little Texas
So, Emily, inquiring minds want to know……….
How old are you?
I’m 46 years young!
Who are you riding?
My mare, Little Texas, is a 9-year-old, 15.3 hand registered Tennessee Walking Horse. Little Texas is not my mare’s registered name, but when I bought her as a 4-year-old, I was enthralled with Theodore Roosevelt and named her after the horse that Roosevelt rode as a Rough Rider during the Battle of San Juan Hill.
What do you do when you’re not riding?
I’m a full-time attorney for the state of Kentucky and also run Big Red Stables in Harrodsburg, KY. At Big Red Stables, my husband Drew and I take clients on guided trail rides over the beautiful, rolling Bluegrass countryside on gentle, gaited horses. We live on the family farm where I grew up with our teenage son, Silas.
How long have you been riding and when did you take up sidesaddle?
I have ridden horses for as long as I can remember, but only took up sidesaddle riding this spring. Riding in the event will fulfill my lifelong dream of being a jockey. It has taken lots of study and practice to get where we are. Texas is brilliant. She’s so honest. She’s the kind of horse a person is lucky to have once in a lifetime. We’ve worked hard to condition for this, and I can’t wait to see what she has to offer on race day. I know she will give it her all; it’s just up to me to get her in a good position then stay out of her way.
Are you a Foxhunter? If yes, how long have you been hunting and who do you hunt with?
We fox hunted the past two seasons with the Woodford Hounds, and this past fall we graduated to first flight, which is a tribute to Texas’s athleticism. It’s unusual to see a gaited horse in the hunt field, but I say if the horse enjoys it and can do it, give it a chance.
What do you love about sidesaddle?
I wouldn’t say that I love to ride side saddle, but it’s a great challenge.
What part of the weekend are you looking forward to most?
Chasing a Fox wishes Emily and Little Texas good luck on race day!
For more information about this great event go to – http://www.highhopesteeplechase.com

Hi Sissi! I know you will have a great time in Lexington this weekend–it really is one of the most beautiful places on earth, especially in the Spring! I have been trying to find a list of entered riders. They weren’t on the NSA overnights nor at Central Entry. Do you know where we can find them? Good Luck to all the Ladies this weekend! Go Girls!! Donna
Emily Dennis your about to have the most fun ever.
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